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4 Acts Of Kindness That Are FREE + Good For Your Mental Health

Writer's picture: Anastasia Turchetta RDHAnastasia Turchetta RDH

How is kindness good for your mental health? It reduces stress and boosts self -esteem. This week I'll share 4 free acts of kindness that you can do each day. The impact of these kindness tips will benefit you and those you share them with!

Here are 4 FREE acts of kindness you can do immediately!

1) IM or text a friend you have not contacted in a while. I like to say, I know this is a random text, yet I wanted you to know that you have been in my thoughts and I hope you are staying safe & healthy.

NEXT, amp it up and send a photo or memory you have and share that this was in your social media feed and it made you smile and hope it lightens up their day too.

FINALLY, send a music link that connects you to that friend, co-worker, etc. For example, every time I hear the song "The Safety Dance" I text or call my BFF since 2 nd grade to share that this song is playing and I'm thinking of her.

2) Give a genuine compliment to those in your space. Partner, child, co-worker, or employer.

My hubby and I share 2 things at the end of the day. First, we will share one thing that we loved about them that day (were they kind to someone in the grocery store, helped an older person, or had patience with you :) ) and second, what they did that we are thankful for that day. It never gets old because each day is different!

You can write on a post-it note words of encouragement or empowerment to a co-worker or employer as we begin to re-enter our workplaces.

3) Join a LOCAL FB group and see how you can be helpful in your community. For example, we had a locally owned pet store that had an opportunity for customers to donate to a local dog food bank to help a local animal shelter.

Other examples are noticing if someone needs help shopping, dropping off or picking up mail, etc.

4) SMILE!! I'm not kidding! Be intentional and genuine! Smile at the grocery store cashier and thank them! Smile at people when you are walking your dog! Smiling is a healthy contagion! Smiling reduces stress and increases happiness!

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